Sunny Pastures

glamglare takes a week off

Sunny Pastures
Sandy Beach in Worthing, Barbados

When this newsletter reaches you, Elke and I are at the beach in Barbados. If my memory serves me correctly, we haven’t done a beach vacation in over 15 years. We also would not have booked one this year if it was not for our expiring JetBlue vouchers from our canceled flights to Austin, TX, for SXSW 2020.

It no longer feels good to blast all that carbon in the air just to hang at a fancy location. One thing that the pandemic taught us is that you can find similar relaxing and reenergizing moments closer by, reachable by train or (electric) car. However, I also believe that it is not always all or nothing. Flying much less is also a step in the right direction.

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While we’re taking a mental break from glamglare and other activities, we continue to post one song per day on It was not easy to fill the schedule for two weeks ahead, but I am confident we found some fantastic music, so please keep listening.

Song Pick of the Day

Bailey Miller, Andy Shauf, Amber Run, Skofee, néomí, Detalji and Why Bonnie

Listen/watch all seven songs on YouTube. Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube and Spotify for the 50 latest Song Picks of the Day.

The Ohio-based musician Bailey Miller is all about minimalism in her upcoming album love is a dying. “cul-de-sac” is the first single and a track that works well out of the context of the record. The next track is a complete change of pace: an inspirational power pop anthem by UK trio Amber Run. “Just to be here at all is a victory,” says the band about “The Beautiful Victorious.”

The Finnish singer and producer Detalji loves club culture and dance music, but her songs are more than just a party soundtrack. “Caribbean” is the first single from her  debut album Truly, out on March 31. A few notches quieter but no less intense is Andy Shauf’s music: “Telephone,” the third single of his upcoming album Norm comes with an animated video.

New York-based five-pieve Why Bonnie starts the new year with a beautiful new song, “Apple Tree,” about the “parables we tell ourselves to make sense of things.

I'm Sorry I Killed Your Plants” – but in the end, LA-based singer/songwriter Skofee is not. The poor plant is just collateral damage in a breakup. Finally, Dutch/Surinamese singer/songwriter néomí feels treated like a “Skipping Stone” by someone she is in love with. She is about to release a new EP, After, after last year's  Before.

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