Song Pick of the Day

New music from Billie Zizi, Desert Kites, Jayda G, King Isis, Moon Kissed, JJ Wilde, and ZÏBUWA.

Song Pick of the Day
Moon Kissed, ZÏBUWA, Jayda G, Desert Kites, Billie Zizi, JJ Wilde, and King Isis

Listen to/watch all seven songs on YouTube. Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube and Spotify for the 50 latest Song Pick of the Day features. Thank you for following us and sharing the excitement.

“To levitate is to act in defiance of gravity, which is a metaphor for an act that defies social norms,” says the Canadian singer/songwriter Billie Zizi. Her new song, “Levitate,” sees her in a somewhat disturbing lucid dream, but the music suggests “something that makes you feel alive.”

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Ferris Bueller inspired the Scottish duo Desert Kites for their new earthy indie-rock song “Holiday.” It is currently the prime vacation season in the Northern Hemisphere, so use this song to get you into the mood. We for sure will.

Coastal ecosystems are very efficient in storing carbon, the so-called Blue Carbon. The London-based producer and DJ Jayda G, who has made hope a central message, narrated the documentary Blue Carbon, which shows a promising approach to avoid a climate catastrophe. “If We Only Knew” is from the soundtrack and features Lisa Kainde of Ibeyi as a co-writer.

The LA-based artist King Isis celebrates self-love in the new song “Dissonance.” The exuberant, upbeat track reflects the joy of being in line with your values, or “about being happy and full in my own. However that shows up,” as King Isis puts it.

The NYC trio Moon Kissed released the first song they ever wrote together as the lead single of their third album. “101” features singer Khaya Cohen, synth-player Em Sgouros, and drummer Elijah Scarpati going wild in a sprawling, playful production.

The Canadian rock singer JJ Wilde is in her early 30s, an age when you often realize for the first time that your life has evolved and there is no return to the carefree bliss of youth. But you have your memories, and music is often a catalyst for bringing them back. Her new song “Takes Me Back” does this for her, and probably for you, too.

We stay in the country with the Nigerian-Candian singer/songwriter ZÏBUWA, who just released her new EP Full Circle. The vocals and production remind me of 80s Sade songs with much soul and late-night atmosphere. The opener, “Patterns,” is my favorite track on the record.