Song Pick of the Day

New Music from Alas de Liona, Robber Robber, Marina Allen, 7ebra, Hilang Child, Sam Black & Niniola, and ELBA

Song Pick of the Day
Robber Robber, 7ebra, ELBA, Alas de Liona, Marina Allen, Hilang Child, and Sam Blacky & Niniola

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Alas de Liona hails from the Mojave Desert in California but had the opportunity to live in Scotland as an artist. Talk about a change of pace. Her debut song, “Analogy,” is about bending reality to a narrative that fits us better and sonically leaves the West Coast clearly behind.

We love it when artists who we featured at the beginning of their careers take the next step upward. In this case, it is Nina Cates and Zack James from Vermont who are preparing their debut album Wild Guess with the quartet Robber Robber – which was pitched to us by no other than premier indie PR agency Pitch Perfect. Their new song “Backup Plan” is an edgy track about relationships at their fracture point and provides more evidence that indie rock may be up for a renaissance.

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Deep Fake,” the latest single of LA singer/songwriter Marina Allan’s third album Eight Pointed Star is not about AI. Relief! Marina created a song about “naming all of these very complicated things that make up our culture” with a songwriting prompt and developed it into a delightfully slow-building indie pop track. It also comes with a crafty video directed by Callie Hernandez:

7ebra is the band of twin sisters Ella and Inez from Malmö, Sweden. They released an intriguing new view on bedroom pop last year with their album Bird Hour. Their latest track, “Normal Song,” follows in that vein: “On first listen, it maybe sounds like a lighthearted festival banger, especially with the big pumping chorus, but then you realize it’s actually quite sad,” says Ella.

The UK singer/songwriter Hilang Child released a new EP last week. The title track, “5,6, Sidekick,” is a well-crafted, upbeat pop song “about embracing your physical traits and seeing the beauty in yourself and others, no matter what people say.”

Sam Blacky is a DJ and model in California who also writes and produces her own songs. She collaborated with the Grammy-nominated Nigerian singer/songwriter Niniola for a new song, “Ronaldinho.” Get ready for a hefty dose of positive energy and beauty. Also, don’t miss watching the video, which mixes the performances of Sam and Niniola with gorgeous footage from Nigeria.

We keep it with the good vibes until the end. Like many of us, Danish artist ELBA had a hard time in 2021. “That’s why I wrote five songs about various self-empowering topics,” she recalls. “We Can Do This” is one of them, and hearing the title line repeated like a mantra indeed has a positive effect.