Song Pick of the Day

New Music by Shenanygans, Polyglam, Josienne Clarke, Tyde, Clean Out Louis, Caitie, and Sis

Song Pick of the Day
Clean Out Louis, Josienne Clarke, Shenanygans, Polyglam, Caitie, Tyde, and Sis

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Shenanygans (sic) are neither a Saint Patrick’s Day party band nor a raunchy punk act. The pan-European four-piece has roots in Ireland, Switzerland, and Poland and makes melodic indie rock like the self-assuring “I Believe in You.”

Pleasure” is an apt title for the new song by LA trio Polyglam: the Spanish guitar invites you to dream away a sunny afternoon. All three members, Allie Stamler, Rachel White, and John Sinclair, have racked up plenty of music industry credits and met while housesitting a lakeside estate. Polyglam is set to release more music this year.

The Scotland-based singer/songwriter Josienne Clarke has already released four solo albums, so she knows something about the music industry. Unlike many others, however, she does not complain in “Double Edged Sword.” She instead gives sound advice for success: “Just to still be here, to create year on year whatever the external circumstances and isn’t the same true of life in general.”

“I want to buy a latte and go to a party,” sings Ella Belfanti in defiance of the many little and big problems that life throws at you. The Australian six-piece Tyde goes all out on good vibes in their new horn-heavy song “Latte Partay,” and together with the video, it is the perfect mood booster for times when everything seems to be a bit too much.

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Sylvester Zabello and Mingus Runge make music together in Denmark as Clean Out Louis. Their debut single “Foreigner,” fuses several genres over an infectious dance beat. “It’s a song that sort of reminisces that anxious first day of school feeling. A moment of alienation – to your surroundings and to yourself. But to us, ‘Foreigner’ also represents redemption,” says Sylvester.

Caitlyn Balmer, aka Caitie, is going for an 80s synth-pop vibe with her debut single “Tragic.” The song is about the fleeting nature of friendships at a young age: interests change, and best friends suddenly no longer understand each other. We don’t know how old Caitie is, but she takes the perspective of watching the other girl from the opposite side of the schoolyard convincingly.

We are going out on a somewhat untypical Song Pick of the Day: the sprawling “Bow to Your Wilderness” by Jenny Mason aka Sis is a feast for your ears. The track is influenced by Indian music, but Jenny turns it into something more universal that cannot be easily attached to any culture.