Robins, Daffodils, and Printemps

Robins, Daffodils, and Printemps
Central Park West (Photo: Oliver Bouchard)

Astronomically, spring has arrived. On the same day, the French department store chain Printemps (French for ‘spring’) opened a branch on Broadway in Lower Manhattan. The store is gorgeous (see photos below). The interior is inspired by the art deco style of One Wall Street, the super luxury apartment turned office tower where Printemps occupies the lower floors. The store is an experience: grab a glass of champagne from one of the bars and stroll through the rooms filled with high-end fashion and cosmetics merchandise.

Unfortunately, we had only a little time, most of it spent standing outside in line. But we‘ll be back, even if there is probably little to buy in our price range. But exciting shopping experiences are essential for any city, so we are happy that Printemps tries something new, hopefully inspiring other retail businesses.

Otherwise, it is hard to get into a spring mood in NYC because the temperatures feel rather winterly, aside from daffodils and an increased number of robins on the grass.

Music to the rescue! We had five spring songs on our glamglare favorites playlist last week, and today, I‘d like to point your listening ears to Nature & Structure, the new album by They/Live. I learned of this project by LA-based musician Whitney Mower through the UK blog Teases & Dares, an excellent source for discovering new pop music. Nature & Structure has ten unpretentious, expertly produced, bright songs with a fresh take on 80s-style synth-pop. This decade holds a special place in Whitney’s heart: for her first album Ablation, Whitney searched for a specific 80s synth patch that reminded her of her late mother.

The new record continues with that vibe of layered synth arrangements and ethereal vocals, which makes it a good companion for the days when sunshine and warmer air let nature awake.

Speaking of the 80s, Limahl was an iconic singer and heartthrob of that decade. He had his breakout hit in 1983 with Kajagoogoo and became ubiquitous in the following year with the title track of the “Never Ending Story” soundtrack.

His hairdo has changed, but he still makes music (and is an overall nice guy, which we know first-hand from his neighbor). Now, “re-imagining” America’s “A Horse With No Name,” a song best savored when strummed at a campfire, as a synth-pop track, it may not be everybody’s cup of tea. But we like it, so give it a spin and see what you think.

Meanwhile, the Germany-based English singer, composer, and producer Emika is looking into the future and plans to build a studio for immersive music production. “Immersive song-writing, composing for more than two speakers, is something I start to feel in my body when I sing or play,” she says on Kickstarter. We know her personally as somebody who makes big dreams happen, so we can’t wait for what comes out of this project. You can support her here.

glamglare favorites

Listen to glamglare favorites on Spotify, Apple Music, or below on YouTube.

The 80s star Limahl covers a 70s song in the 2020s. Here are five new artists covering iconic songs from the 80s;

  • Close to Monday - Come Undone
  • Nouvelle Vague - The Look of Love (ft. Marine Quéméré)
  • Wyldest - Lovesong
  • Blonde Maze - Dancing in the Dark
  • Lauren Auder - I Would Die 4U

Song Pick of the Day

Sam Robbins, Bllie Marten, Charlotte OC, Gelli Haha, Wilby, Kaleah Lee, and Vasilikí

Listen to/watch all seven songs on YouTube Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube, Apple Music, or Spotify for the 50 latest Song Pick of the Day features, or subscribe here to receive them in your mailbox in real-time. Thank you for following us and sharing the excitement.

Billie Marten’s new song is about memories that are so distant that they are like a "Feeling." Her fifth album, "Dog Eared," will be out in July. "God We Tried," but it didn’t work out in the end. Listen to the powerful new single by Blackburn singer/songwriter Charlotte OC. Sam Robbins is looking for "The Real Thing." It is elusive, but he has clear ideas of how it should feel. There is a charming lyric video, too. "Overcoming adversity and heartbreak and accepting vulnerability as something that is beautiful and powerful instead of limiting," says NYC artist Vasilikí about her new song "Dreamers in the Dark." The LA artist Gelli Haha invites you to her “Bounce House” with her mood-boosting debut single. After her 2024 EP Birdwatcher, here is a reflective, immersive new song, “Fever,” by Canadian singer/songwriter Kaleah Lee. A relationship that easy may just be too good to be true. That's what Nashville indie-rocker Wilby asks herself in the new song "Pleaser."

Released tomorrow

Nine Photos

Queuing up on Broadway just to enter a department store? Standing in line for a good 20 minutes, even two days after the store’s official opening? And what if the retailer claims in their campaign: “not a department store?” Très bien! For New York’s newest luxury object, [[Printemps]], which opened its doors on One Wall Street, one very does just that. It’s been decades since Oliver or I have visited Printemps in Paris - never together, by the way. So we welcomed the opportunity to check out [[the New York version]] and certainly will be back! Less for some actual shopping but to envelope ourselves in the luxurious atmosphere and the sheer beauty of upscale fashion and lifestyle products. The many bars and coffee areas throughout the store look inviting. On our first visit, we only snapped very few photos, but as mentioned, we’ll be back.