Finches for Fall

Finches for Fall
September (Photo: Oliver Bouchard)

Happy fall! As much as we enjoyed the summer in our new neighborhood, like every year, we are super excited about the arrival of fall here at glamglare. The light becomes more vivid, the sunsets brighter, and the heat less numbing. We also switch from a more relaxed let-things-roll attitude to actually getting new things done. Some new endeavors are coming up in our lives. This also means that after migrating to a new platform, we are now ready to implement the features we envision for the site, starting with some significant improvements to the look and feel.

On the music side, we look forward to the more mellow, reflective songs associated with fall after the exuberant, danceable tracks that come with summer. To get started, we loaded the glamglare favorites playlist with five songs of a category we call “finch music:” folk-tinged, harmony-driven songs by female sister or friend duos. The label is borrowed from the Australian band Charm of Finches, consisting of sisters Mabel and Ivy Windred-Wornes, who just released their fourth album Marlinchen In The Snowearlier this spring. This time of the year is an excellent opportunity to revisit this album, as well as watch the two years older “Treading Water,” a gorgeous self-directed video with a palpable late summer/fall atmosphere.

Being in a fall mood, a video game I was obsessed with a few years ago, crossed my mind again. Before The Storm is about two teenage girls in Oregon, Chloe and Rachel, who deal with family and school issues. It is a video game, so the story goes a bit over the top, but the late summer visuals are beautiful, and the soundtrack is intense and haunting. The latter is recorded by the UK band Daughter and provides a great listening experience on its own (Music From Before The Storm).

glamglare favorites

Listen to glamglare favorites on ~Spotify~ or below on YouTube.

Oliver’s Notes

This week’s five artists have different angles on folk-pop music. There are the harmonies and the acoustic instruments, but the music does not stop there: enjoy songs by Charm of Finches (Melbourne), Paper Wings (Nashville), Sybling (New York City), Saint Sister (Dublin), and Companion (Ft. Collins, CO).

Song Pick of the Day

Tragic Sasha, blondestandard, EDDY, Moon Kissed, Sleek Teeth, Kaeto, and Elisa May
Tragic Sasha, blondestandard, EDDY, Moon Kissed, Sleek Teeth, Kaeto, and Elisa May

Listen to/watch all seven songs on [YouTube](Link Here). Follow our daily updated playlists on YouTube and Spotify for the 50 latest Song Pick of the Day features or subscribe here to receive them into your mailbox in real-time. Thank you for following us and sharing the excitement.

New Albums Out This Week

If you need an antidote for the post-summer blues, you only have to wait until tomorrow. Claude Fontaineis a singer/songwriter from Los Angeles, but you would not know from her latest album La Mer: she sings in English, French and Portuguese, and has assembled a crew of renowned musicians to conjure up a warm, romantic fantasy world.

Nine Photos of 24 Hours in Peekskill, NY

While we had visited Peekskill in the Hudson Valley a few times before, the pandemic’s travel restrictions made us fall in love with the town of 50,000 and the quaint motel Inn on the Hudson. Sitting on your (relatively) private terrasse, with a view of the Hudson River and the Catskill mountains, you cannot do anything else but relax. Even the nuclear plant in the distance doesn’t spoil the soothing view as it is no longer active. Sunset marks our favorite time on the terrasse, lazily late in the summer (8:30 PM) and frighteningly early in winter (around 4:30 PM) but usually more spectacular in orange and pink. 

(1 & 3) Open-air installation of doors.

(4) Vultures are gathering. We always hope for hawks, or, why not, a bald eagle, but vultures are the ones that show themselves freely.

(5) Remember our photos from the Seaport? Or the current glamglare homepage photo? The sculptures are the artwork of Carol A. Feuerman, and the The Golden Mean from 2012 in Peekskill is her creation, too.

(9) We love easy dinners on the terrace, and this time we even gave the microwave a try. Perfect evening