Winter Aid - Inner Sunset

Winter Aid - Inner Sunset

“Inner Sunset” marks the title track of the new EP by Irish singer/songwriter Winter Aid. But that’s not all, because it also sees Shane Culloty, aka Winter Aid, releasing his first new music in over five years and making it count. The track is so gorgeous it is impossible to resist its allure! “Inner Sunset” and, consequently, the entire EP, with a due date of January 12th, thematize how Culloty and his wife relocated from Dublin to San Francisco and all that went down or didn’t happen during the pandemic. I can’t wait to listen to the entire album. Discussing the single, Culloty says:

“‘Inner Sunset’ was the first song I recorded after moving to San Francisco: I left all the windows open in our little apartment, and recorded the guitar and vocals in one track. You can hear the sound of the bus and evening rush hour traffic on the 101. Inner Sunset is a neighborhood in San Francisco, and though it’s not where we lived, every time I watched the sun go down the name came to mind. A lot of places in the city have names that can seem quite poetic when you hear them first, evoking an imaginary setting before you eventually attach them to a concrete place of street signs and bus lines. ‘Inner Sunset’ also felt like a good name for the feeling of needing to move on in life, to end one chapter and start another.”

Listen to “Inner Sunset,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the beautifully moody, cinematic video:

Connect with Winter Aid and add “Inner Sunset” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: AndyOmvik