William Ryan Key - Brighton

William Ryan Key - Brighton

William Ryan Key delights with the beautifully atmospheric “Brighton,” the second taste from his upcoming EP Everything Except Desire. The five-track album drops on February 11, 2022, via Equal Vision Records. Asked about “Brighton,” Key says:

I think this song is a manifestation of my desire to set myself free from the constraints of what I’ve created in the past.

This is when I wondered what he might have possibly done in the past. Turns out, William Ryan Key is -allow me the pun- the key person, the singer and rhythm guitarist of Yellowcard! No wonder that I instantly loved the familiar and cozy vibe of “Brighton.” I don’t want to lie and claim to have recognized the vocals because I didn’t. But they immediately resonated with me and with or without the Yellowcard knowledge, other old (?) fans should dig the new sound too. Heck, new fans should be made along the way as well because Key left his rock days behind with Everything Except Desire and shows a beautifully soft, synthy side, with a sweeping cinematic vibe.

About his solo project, Key says further:

I wondered if it was too far removed from the music people expect to hear from me. The more I pondered it, the more I realized that it might be, and that it was ok if it was.

Creating art should never be about meeting expectations but what resonates and what feels real. Luckily, Key followed his heart (desire?) and put together a record we cannot wait to hear in its entirety and share with everybody!

Listen to “Brighton,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with William Ryan Key and add “Brighton” to your playlist as we are adding it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo credit: Acacia Evans