Will Knox - Growing Pains [Video]

As a young man, singer/songwriter Will Knox exchanged his birthplace in London, U.K., with Boston, USA, to study at the Berklee College of Music. He currently lives in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and released the gorgeous five-track EP Growing Pains. Its title track is a brilliant example of Will’s exquisite storytelling and songwriting craft.
Looks like Will went to great lengths to welcome his son into this world and his care. Revisiting your past, especially your childhood, can be a rather painful experience, even if it looks “all fine” on the surface and the readily stored memory. The deep dive can bring up a lot of emotions and, in the case of Will Knox’s experience, even beautiful and relevant lyrics. The track’s melody is as gorgeous as its lyrical content, and Will says about the creative process:
“‘Growing Pains’ is a conversation between me and my younger self, or inner child. It’s a song about learning how to reparent myself, while becoming a parent at the same time. I was doing ‘inner child healing’ in therapy at the time of writing, and my therapist asked me if there was anything I would like to say to my inner child. The words “I don’t want to let you down” came out and I burst into tears. This became the first lyric of what would eventually become ‘Growing Pains.’ While saying these words I felt like I was talking to my new-born son as much as I was talking to my younger self. I wanted both of us to be free from my emotional baggage, so I could focus on giving him the best childhood possible.”
And Will adds about the lovely video:
“We filmed the video Super 8, to give it a nostalgic, home movie feel. The song is about learning to nurture my inner child, and I thought what better way to do that than spending a sunny afternoon at the beach, flying a kite and having an ice cream.”
When you’re listening to “Growing Pains,” our Song Pick of the Day, don’t stop there but listen through the entire EP. Its last track, “Christmas Song” features néomi, a glamglare favorite artist. Oh, and check out the video too, of course:
Connect with Will Knox and add “Growing Pains” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:
Photo Credit: Daniella Van Lienden