WAKE - Spoon

WAKE - Spoon

Wake is the artist name of Alex Ingram, a singer/songwriter based in Hull, northeastern England, who just released the beautifully melancholic “Spoon.” The track starts and ends with a compelling, wistful guitar solo, enveloping the story and the deep, raspy vocals singing it. Asked about “Spoon,” Wake says:

Lyrically the track may come across as something quite depressing and harrowing but I wanted to create something musically with a positive vibe, that represents my struggles and the various ways I’ve tried to deal with my emotions while maintaining a positive attitude. I’ve always wanted to have my music out there in the world but lacked the confidence to perform in the studio, or on stage. Now, thanks to the support from people at The Warren, I’ve been enjoying opening up and telling my story, hoping others will relate and not feel so alone.

Music is the ultimate connector, and we are looking forward to hearing more from Wake! Listen to “Spoon,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Wake and add “Spoon” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: