VIDEO: Wall - Last Date

Dark, no-wave and post-punk four-piece Wall from New York City dropped their video to “Last Date” today, and like their music, the video is somewhat simple at first glance and sparse yet definitely fascinating! There might be no middle ground because you either dig that kind of sound or you don’t. But if you do, you will also totally appreciate the creative video, directed by Karen Cinorre. The director in her own words about the film making process and the video: “I love the raw, driving quality of “Last Date”. I embraced that, and set out to make a video that looks like the song itself, not like a string of images applied on top of it. Wall was game to do something abstract, black and white and free from any narrative.
Mission accomplished because song and video go perfectly well together and bring out the best in both. Karen Cinorre has more to say about the video: ““Last Date” was the first song Wall wrote together. I wanted to harness the explosive, volatile creativity that a new band has: Wall’s big bang.”
That’s beautifully put: Wall is big bang – and we agree! Watch “Last Date” now:
Find Wall on Wharfcat Records.