VIDEO: The Diamond Age - Morning Pages

On my playlist rotation for a little over two weeks, “Morning Pages” always stood out as a fantastic indie rock song that I wanted to feature but never got around to. I especially liked the breathy development of the track and how it ends. Today, while playing the single to a friend, he tells me about “fake fadeouts”, about bands not putting their whole song but only a taste of it on SoundCloud, mostly.
Beginning to be cross with Southhampton-based trio The Diamond Age already, I start playing the video for “Morning Pages” and it is, lo and behold, the same song in the same length. However, it comes with some cool visuals starring a band who seems to take life not so super seriously yet without being ‘funny’ in a silly way. The video made me smile the entire time through and love “Morning Pages” even more!
Watch the video, created by the band and Russ Saunders, and don’t hesitate to hit the ‘play’ button again.
For your playlist: