VIDEO PICKS OF THE WEEK: Ásgeir / Belau / Smoke Fairies / Tourists / Tusks

VIDEO PICKS OF THE WEEK: Ásgeir / Belau / Smoke Fairies / Tourists / Tusks

Ásgeir – Youth

Icelandic artist Ásgeir took advantage of his home country’s mesmerizing scenery and spent a winter writing, sometimes with his poet father Einar Georg Einarsson, and with English translation help from American songwriter John Grant.

Watch the video now:

Belau – Essence (live)

Hungarian producer duo Belau showcase their latest song “Essence” in a beautiful live session from Barcelona, featuring singer and live band member Böbe Szécsi. The gorgeous video is filmed in the Gardens of Mossèn Costa i Llobera.

Watch the video now:

Smoke Fairies – Disconnect

The new video by London-based duo Smoke Fairies is directed by Annick Wolfers and it is stunning in its mellow flow and sheer beauty. Katherine Blamire reveals.  “The video was a really simple idea encapsulating how your everyday domestic world gets turned upside down when someone gets inside your head – how your normal world goes slightly askew and there is a sense of strangeness to everything you normally go about doing”.

Watch the video now:

Tourists – Align (live)

The magnificent live video for “Align” by British post punk quintet Tourists got produced and directed by Callum Earnshaw and Andy Hopper and filmed  at The Spanish Barn. Earnshaw explains: “The Spanish Barn is a pretty unique and special location and we knew that we wanted to transform the space into something even more spectacular. We brought in projection guru Tim Dollimore from The Media Workshop to project Andy’s chaotic animations onto three walls in order to create the sense of immersive movement with the projections, which suited the dynamics and tempo of the track perfectly.”

Watch the video now:

Tusks – Mind

London-based singer and producer Tusks Filmed a gripping visualization for her song “Mind” to raise awareness for harm OCD, a mental health condition she has been struggling with. The video is directed by Heini Susanne and Features dancer Moses Ward.

Watch the video now: