Video Picks: Megan Brickwood, OK Cool, Savannah Conley, The Faux Faux

Video Picks: Megan Brickwood, OK Cool, Savannah Conley, The Faux Faux

Megan Brickwood – Trinity River Blues

On February 24th, singer/songwriter Megan Brickwood releases her new EP Trinity River, and the gorgeous “Trinity River Blues” is part of it. Asked about the track, Megan Brickwood says:

“‘Trinity River Blues’ is the first song I wrote in an open tuning. I became interested in open tunings studying Joni Mitchell and Nick Drake. This DADGAD tuning was the first I tried, and it completely caught my imagination. The idea for writing a song called ‘Trinity River Blues’ popped into my head one day while I wandered around by the Trinity River, feeling lonely and melancholy. Some weeks later when I was back in Los Angeles, working out of my little home studio, I started writing this DADGAD song that I initially conceived of as ‘Colors in the Stream.’ After I’d written the whole thing, I looked over the lyrics and realized that the song I’d written was ‘Trinity River Blues.'”

About the atmospheric video, directed by Hannah Mae Moore, Megan explains:

“The creation of the videos was an adventure. I met Hannah, the co-creator and director for the ‘Trinity River Blues’ video through mutual friends in Redding, CA and we spent a lot of time scouting locations in the areas I’d spent exploring in my youth. ‘Trinity River Blues’ was filmed in McCloud, downtown Weaverville, and at Lewiston Lake. Since both of those songs draw heavily on my experiences in this part of the world, I wanted the videos to reflect that.”

Watch the video now:


OK Cool – normal c

OK Cool, the Chicago-based duo of Bridget Stiebris and Haley Blomquist, hit precisely the sweet spot with their new video “normal c:” funny and engaging, and it helps that the music is excellent too. The directors Justin Sheehan and Brian Garbrecht tease the video:

“A chance encounter with a house show flier sends Bridget and Haley to a mysterious manor, where they find familiar foes and something more sinister. Armed with a Polaroid camera and a secret weapon, OK Cool puts on a house show for the ages.”

Watch the video now:


Nashville-based singer/songwriter Savannah Conley will release her new album Playing The Part of You is Me on May 9. “More Than Fine” is the first single, and it comes with a cool video that shows Savannah moving through a lavish mansion.

She says about the song:

“More than Fine” is just posturing. Posturing confidence in trying to convince yourself that you are good enough to go after a specific person. Fake it til you make it has applied to far too many things in my life, romantic endeavors included. During this particular time, I was tired of accidentally going after insecure people who seemed to breed codependent self worth back and forths. I came across a new person who didn’t have any of those warning signs and thought it was time to break the pattern. We never dated.”

Watch the video now:


Faith Vern, the lead singer of notorious Manchester punk band PINS, started her new solo project, The Faux Faux, with the ultra gorgeous “Cold Hearted Woman.”  The track comes with a lot of depth and swagger and showcases Faith’s uniquely beautiful vocals at their best. The video, directed by Sean Cheung, keeps you guessing and engaged. This is brilliant! We can’t wait to hear more from The Faux Faux soon. The track features Danny Farrant, Buzzcocks’ drummer, and was produced by Jamie Hall (Tigercub & Nancy) and Paul Rawson. The backing vocals are provided by Victoria Thomas (See Thru Hands), Sam Seth (The Indie Choir), and Caroline Sheehan (The 1234’s).

Watch the video now: