VIDEO PICKS: French For Rabbits, Haley Johnsen, Lee Triffon x Roy Regev, Nina Savary

VIDEO PICKS: French For Rabbits, Haley Johnsen, Lee Triffon x Roy Regev, Nina Savary

French For Rabbits – The Outsider

There is not much room for interpretation in “The Outsider.” Still, the video so charmingly visualizes the plights and joys of an introverted person that it will make you smile. Brooke Singer, the frontwoman of New Zealand band French For Rabbits explains about the song:

“In 2019 I visited LA for the first time to do some co-writing with a few different producers and songwriters ahead of a French for Rabbits tour – it was an exciting, dizzying experience – all the palm trees and heat. One balmy day, I had a session with Marc Orrell and Brooke Johnson and we ended up writing my favourite song on this new record – an introvert’s anthem that finds joy in the act of being alone. The song distils the feeling of being an awkward introvert at a party – staring at your phone on the edges of a crowd.”

Watch the video now:

Haley Johnsen – Goner

Born in Oregan, and calling Portland her home now, songwriter and singer Haley Johnsen released the highly personal “Goner,” that she wrote while living in a vintage trailer and having an existential crisis, of sorts. Johnsen says about the songwriting process:

It came to be about the romanization of nostalgia; the longing for what once was our youth and also the fear of death. It’s about my own internal struggle trying to stay present and at peace with who I am now, where I am now, and realize that my childlike self is still very much alive in me. It’s a reminder that I don’t need to be afraid or insecure with where I am in my life.

We love the sensual, dreamlike vibe and there’s no such thing as too much glitter. We’re very much looking forward to Haley Johnsen’s upcoming full-length album that promises to be “quirky, dramatic, soft, somber, eclectic, and energetic” – like the artist herself.

Watch the video, directed by Derich Hartfeil, now:

Lee Triffon x Roy Regev – Meditate

The world-renowned artist, musician, and performer Lee Triffon says about “Meditate:”

As a creator, I feel like there is a search for constant evolution. I’m always looking for the next challenge. Even when I’m happy with the end result of a project that has just been completed, I start wondering what innovation or inspiration could lead to the next one.

The video is stunningly beautiful, modern, and nostalgic at the same time with its nods to fashion and art from the 60s and 70s. Triffon says further:

As I was looking at a way to visually convey the meaning of ‘Meditate’ I started experimenting with editing techniques and effects, mainly working with layers and textures,” says Triffon, recounting the creative process for the video. “I feel that visual arts, mainly digital, can be an almost integral part of how we experience music. When the audio and visual enhance one another the experience expands to more dimensions.” “In many ways, the digital tools available today open up endless possibilities for artists.

Watch the video created by Lee Triffon and Gev Miron now:

Nina Savary – Les Passions Tristes

What is going on here? French musician Nina Savary stages some sort of open-air theater for her video “Les Passions Tristes.” Nina reveals how the video came together:

“Inspired by the Armon organ’s fluted sounds and drum machine, this song is anything but sad. Filmed this summer at La Bergerie, where we have been meeting regularly to record and play together, with a few catsuits from various backgrounds to form a slightly surrealist ensemble, the video directed by Philippe Lebruman gives a dreamy and vaporous vision that reveals the thread of this collective and loving story, beyond a sometimes violent, but also tender and vibrant reality. We can see Astrobal who produced the album, Eddy Crampes, who composed the song with him, and the dancer-choreographer Léa Bonnaud.”

Nina Savary has released her album “Next Level Soap Opera” last Friday.

Watch the video now: