VIDEO PICKS: Dominique Fils-Aimé, ESS SEE, MAVICA, Sleepy Gonzales

VIDEO PICKS: Dominique Fils-Aimé, ESS SEE, MAVICA, Sleepy Gonzales

Dominique Fils-Aimé – My Mind At Ease

“My Mind at Ease” is a beautiful dance video directed by Adrian Villagomez and choreographed by Mel Charlot. Filmed in Montreal’s Olympic Stadium, it gives an atmospheric backdrop for the layered vocals by Canadian soul singer Dominique Fils-Aimé .

Watch the video now:

ESS SEE – Thirsty

“Thirsty” is a metaphor for craving connection and love. In the video, NYC musician ESS SEE takes the idea quite literally. The Jonathan Frey-directed video shows her interacting with a group of walking beverages.

Watch the video now:

MAVICA – Are You Back

Spanish singer-producer MAVICA released a beautifully cinematic video for her new  mesmerizing indie-electronic single “are you back?”

“I wrote this song after ending a friendship. I was stretching myself, hesitant to let go and pushing the relationship to its limits until it broke. There were many moments of doubt and insecurity leading up to and after the breakup. The fear of loss and abandonment you feel is just as present in a non-romantic breakup. Eventually I accepted fate and learned how to deal with the frustration of seeing the relationship go downhill without being able to save it.”

Watch the video now:

Sleepy Gonzales – Skylight

Canadian four-piece Sleepy Gonzales released the beautifully hazy, shoegaze tinged, and oh-so-chill “Skylight.” The accompanying video picks up on the laid-back vibe and lets moments be and become meaningful. Their new EP, Mercy Kill, will be out on 6/23 via Light Organ.

Watch the video now: