VIDEO PICKS: Automatic, Fionn, Laufey, Zoey Lily

VIDEO PICKS: Automatic, Fionn, Laufey, Zoey Lily

Automatic – Skyscraper

We’re getting a little antsy and can’t wait for the release of Automatics second album but luckily, the wait will be over tomorrow, with Excess coming out June 24th, 2022. The latest single and music video “Skyscraper” can be found on Excess, and the video stars Izzy Glaudini (synths, lead vocals), Lola Dompé (drums, vocals), and Halle Saxon (bass, vocals) as dead-eyed office workers climbing the ladder, in a Severance-style comment on the banal evil of American corporate culture. The Los Angeles-based trio are not only great musicians but also brilliant storytellers and it’ll be interesting what they have in store next! 

Watch the video, directed by Alex Thurmond, now:


Fionn – Picnic on the Moon

Brianne and Alanna Finn-Morris are the Vancouver-based duo Fionn. The video for “Picknick on the Moon,” directed by Matthew Miller, is a playful visualization of where fantasy can take you. In reality, it was a form of escape for Brianne when her dreams of a musical career came to a halt in 2020. The band shares some details:

“Picnic on the Moon is a song about being so in love with someone that you build your own world when you’re together, far away from everyday worries. “Meeting and connecting with someone on this level brings you back to a childlike level of excitement, as you start to see beauty in the little things. It can really be dedicated to anyone who lifts you up and changes your perspective to a more positive one.”

Watch the video now:

Laufey – Fragile

Listen to any of Laufey‘s songs and you feel like starring in a European movie from the 50s/60s or sitting in a hotel bar, slowly pouring a little seltzer into your Negroni. Nothing like that is happening in her latest song “Fragile:” it makes us feel like escaping to a small, hidden bar in Rio de Janeiro with its bossa nova rhythm. However, the music video leads us somewhere else entirely, to a beautiful hotel room juxtaposed with a mystical seaside.

Turns out, that grande yet cozy room and the beach are to be found in Reykjavik and that’s also where the Icelandic Chinese artist grew up. Now based in Los Angeles, Laufey (pronounced lāy-vāy) makes a name for herself as a singer, composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. Her music is beautifully dreamy and cinematic and oh-so-well done! The sensual video is picking up the mood of the beautiful song and thanks to Laufey’s stellar acting, her emotions resonate and the result is simply a masterpiece!

Watch the video, directed by Erlendur Sveinsson, now:

Zoey Lily – Friend

Zoey Lily is a London-based singer, songwriter, and producer who does intimate, restrained pop songs about the complexity of relationships. Such as the one in “Friend,” when one side expects more than the other. Zoey explains:

“I wrote ‘Friend’ about a friendship that slowly started falling apart when love got involved because I couldn’t return the kind of love my friend was looking for in me.”

Watch the video now: