VIDEO FRIDAY: Ora The Molecule - A Piece of Heaven

We are fans of Ora The Molecule ever since we heard (and featured) their fabulous single “Sugar” and have their EP with the same title on constant replay. Now we can even enjoy an incredibly charming and inspired video to “A Piece of Heaven”, the last track on the album.
The song itself found inspiration in the Maya Angelou quote “Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage you can’t practice any other virtue consistently”. The video places the synth-pop trio’s singer Nora in a surreal setting, (re-)imagining impressionistic paintings that could have been. The video, directed by Nüesch Sisters, is just as beautiful as the music and the poetic lyrics like “Cause with you in this room everything turns into a piece of heaven”.
Watch the video to “A Piece of Heaven” now:
Connect with Ora The Molecule on Facebook and Instagram and listen to their fantastic EP “Sugar”: