Victory Lap - Jealousy

Victory Lap - Jealousy

It’s always particularly exciting to learn about a debut, and a debut single by a British indie-rock band takes the cake, in my book. “Jealousy” is the brand new single by Nottingham newcomers Victory Lap. The track is phenomenal and you should listen to it if you like sophisticated indie-rock that comes with sliding guitar and intricate drumming. The nostalgia-drenched vocals of frontman Tomas Ponting seal the deal, who says about the track:

“Jealousy is a song written from the perspective of a man who is astray in love. The lyrical content depicts him desperately trying to contextualise and rationalise the unsettling grounds, on which he is romantically engaged. Desperate in the pursuit of love, he will turn on his own ideals to carry the torch he has lit.”

Listen to “Jealousy,” our Song Pick of the Day, and check out the video too:

Connect with Victory Lap and add “Jealousy” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Heinz Prinsloo