Vicky Farewell - Tern Me On

Vicky Farewell - Tern Me On

Los Angeles-based indie pop artist Vicky Farewell delights with the sensual and very beautiful “Tern Me On.” With its nostalgic piano sound, evoking 70s Hall & Oates, “Tern Me On” is something to dream to. The song will be on Vicky Farewell’s upcoming album Give A Damn, due out on May 10th via Mac’s Record Label. Asked about the story of the self-produced “Tern Me On,” the artist says:

“I recorded an improvised take of myself playing and babbling nonsensically until somehow the blueprint for ‘Tern Me On’ was born.”

Listen to “Tern Me On,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Vicky Farewell and add “Tern Me On” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Robb Klassen