Sleek Teeth - Endless

Sleek Teeth - Endless

Los Angeles-based dark wave duo Sleek Teeth add the moody yet super catchy "Endless" to their previously released single "Gone." Their influences are noticeable, and that's a fantastic thing, as they take them a few steps further by creating their own highly alluring sound. This makes me very much looking forward to listening to their EP or album. Asked about "Endless," Josh of the duo says:

"One minute you're in a place that feels familiar, and suddenly things take an unexpected turn, and everything is thrown into chaos. You can walk backwards through all the steps looking for warning signs that you might have missed, but there are just some things you never could have seen coming. Sometimes you have to embrace uncertainty to move forward."

Listen to "Endless," our Song Pick of the Day and watch the accompanying music video too:

Endless, by Sleek Teeth
track by Sleek Teeth

Connect with Sleek Teeth and add "Endless" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music,.