Tusks - Artificial Flame

Tusks - Artificial Flame

Now that for us in the Western Hemisphere, our days are getting increasingly shorter again, Tusks offers the perfect song: “Artificial Flame.” London-based electronic songwriter and producer Tusks, aka Emily Underhill, brightens our days with this mesmerizingly soothing electro-pop gem. Of course, “Artificial Flame” isn’t about seasonal changes but about a romantic relationship as Emily explains:

“I went down to Devon alone to write. At that point I’d also realised I was no longer in love with my partner at the time and Artificial Flame is all about coming to that realisation and processing it. It was really intense. I didn’t really speak to anyone for days and there was this insane storm which came over. Weirdly though, that actually ended up inspiring the chorus hook because I couldn’t light a fire without using a load of firelighters, which then made this massive green flame. I was kinda staring at it then the phrase Artificial Flame popped into my head and seemed to sum up everything I was feeling about the relationship.”

Listen to “Artificial Flame,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tusks and add “Artificial Flame” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Emily White