Tragic Sasha - Fishbowl

Tragic Sasha - Fishbowl

Tragic Sasha, a songwriter, singer, and producer from London, muses in her new single “Fishbowl” about life in a big city and if the grass is maybe indeed greener on the other side. Sasha Gurney chose the moniker Tragic Sasha to create her very own brand of tongue-in-cheek alt-pop. “Fischbowl” has a very chill and absolutely irresistible flow, and I could listen to this song all day! It will be part of Tragic Sasha’s upcoming six-track EP, I Could Be Happier, due out in early 2024, and I hope that Sasha feels and looks happier soon. Asked about “Fishbowl,” Sasha says:

“This song is about how your emotional wellbeing is so affected by your environment and wanting more for yourself. I wrote it when I lived in a 12-person warehouse in East London, I felt like I was trapped in the city and wanting a different kind of life.”

Listen to “Fishbowl,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tragic Sasha and add “Fishbowl” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Brian Lockyer