Tragic Sasha - Easy Life

Mid-December until about mid-January is a time when artists hibernate, celebrate, or create new music. As a result, there are hardly any new single releases, and it's getting increasingly challenging to feature new, exciting music. That's why I looked at what some of my favorite artists of 2024 had put out in December because I wanted to start into 2025 with music and an artist I love. This was easy, pun intended because Tragic Sasha's last release of 2024 is the warm and holiday-tinged "Easy Life." Isn't this something we like doing at the start of a brand new year, to reflect on our lives and think about our hopes and dreams? Thank you, Sasha Gurney, aka Tragic Sasha for "Easy Life," and Happy New Year to all!
Other songs by Tragic Sasha that I featured over the last couple of years. Listen to "Easy Life," our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Tragic Sasha and add "Easy Life" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music.