Tommy Lefroy - Garden

Tommy Lefroy - Garden

Canadian art-pop duo Tommy Lefroy, comprised of Wynter Bethel and Tessa Mouzourakis, took inspiration for their band name from Jane Austen’s real-life Mr Darcy, determined to subvert the heart-broken woman’s trope. They are firmly on their way to becoming heroic leads themselves and add the emotive and vibrant “Garden” to their highly alluring œvre. Asked about their new song, the duo says:

“Inspired by a series of misunderstandings with men in the room (and one ill-fated trip back to Brooklyn to ‘run into’ a long-lost ex), ‘Garden’ is about the frustration of feeling stuck in place, personified as “the feminine urge to…  The title is in reference to the mythos of female desire, and the irony in its biblical blame for the fall of man. We wrote this song about our own wanting, to reach goals and to feel unencumbered by limiting beliefs and circumstances.”

I love this! Aside from the really cool song, the vocals and its production, the message strongly resonates with me. The two artists further say: 

“We wrote the lyric ‘girls are at the gate, sir’ for our fans, after being blown away by the power and energy we’ve seen them bring to shows and wanting them to feel empowered to get past whatever gates they may feel stuck at.”

Listen to “Garden,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tommy Lefroy and add “Garden” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Caity Krone