The Ocean Beneath - Feel

The Ocean Beneath - Feel

The Ocean Beneath is the moniker of producer, songwriter, and DJ Matt Burnside. Based in Leeds, UK, The Ocean Beneath creates catchy electronic tunes that charm thanks to their mesmerizing flow and, in the case of “Feel,” also thanks to Keeper of Bees‘ lovely vocals.

We asked Matt to tell us a little about “Feel,” and he says:

“Feel” falls somewhere between electronic house vibes and emotionally charged indie bangers thanks to the beautiful vocals of Vicky Richardson (Keeper Of Bees) and some huge melodic guitars courtesy of Rick Whitehead (Sparralimb). All this comes together to tell a story of yearning with a groove that will keep your body moving throughout.

Absolutely true! This is a beautiful feel-good banger perfect for every summer party and beyond. Listen to “Feel,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with The Ocean Beneath and add “Feel” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:
