The New Colossus Sessions: next up GIRL SKIN Livestream

The New Colossus Sessions: next up GIRL SKIN Livestream

Looking back at March this year, we did not know what we know now. That this ominous, highly infectious virus would have this kind of staying power and dominate our lives not only way into 2020 but into 2021 as well. The last real in-person live shows we attended were the ones during The New Colossus festival, where we could discover great new bands and re-connect with some we are long-time fans of.

Steven, Mike, and Lio, the three founders of New York’s most exciting music festival (more here), have a fantastic taste in music and are bringing their festival vision to an online platform we all are familiar with. No learning curve and no entry barriers, and even wallet-friendly as these livestream performances are free of charge. What better way to discover your next favorite band?

In ever-changing settings, The New Colossus Sessions stream from different spaces, be it from an artist’s home, a band’s rehearsal room, a recording studio, or like for the next live session from a popular record store in Manhattan.

Check out the upcoming events here, and tune in this Thursday at 9 PM EST, when GIRL SKIN will perform live, with a conducted interview and questions from the online audience sprinkled in. We are super excited to be part of these amazing live sessions and happy to present the next one.

The New Colossus Sessions says about the upcoming event:

Brooklyn indie sensations GIRL SKIN will be joining us live from Village Revival Music on Bleecker Street to play songs from their debut album “Shade Is On The Other Side” and be interviewed by our host Brad Wagner.

“Shade Is On The Other Side” was released in April on Julian Records and inspired by frontman Sid Simons’ “unorthodox life journey which has taken him from Portland, Australia, New York and to Shanghai, as well as through a rambling, two-month road trip he took around North America instead of finishing high school.”

Give the album a listen on Spotify. This session will be presented by our friends at glamglare and rebroadcast on Friday November 27 at 5pm. Be sure to set a reminder for Friday at 9pm EST and tune in via: Facebook and YouTube.

Follow The New Colossus via Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and stay in the loop with upcoming live stream sessions.