The New Colossus Festival - glamglare Picks

Dire times maybe ask for philosophy and culture, and so a variation of a quote of the famous German writer Goethe comes to mind: “two hearts have always beat within my breast”, one for SXSW and one for The New Colossus Festival, well since 2019 anyway! Now, with the former being canceled (with that also our glamglare showcase), we now fully focus on what is still possible, as this happens in New York, and we Yorkers are resilient, smart and strong.
As we said before, the three founders of this still young New York music festival, Lio, Mike, and Steven know indie rock. Their lineup, despite band cancellations due to travel restrictions, is still totally stellar and absolutely worth buying a badge, and indulging in five (yes, 5!) days of music.
We are delighted to see some long time favorites from the UK, Austria or Canada whom we’ve feated as #glamglarepick finally playing New York. Some of our Brooklyn fave darlings play the festival too, and of course, we’ve discovered some new to us bands we’re already fans of, and can not wait to see them live.
These are the bands we are truly excited to see. They are in the genres we usually cover and enjoy, meaning indie rock, indie pop and indie electronic. If you’re at one of these shows too, please say ‘hi’, social distancing (ugh!) be damned!
International faves we have featured before, and can not wait to finally (or again*) see live and in color:
- Frankiie, Canda
- Hunger, Austria
- Honey Lung, U.K.
- Forever, Canada
- * Larkins, U.K.
- New Luna, U.K.
- * Wyldest, U.K.
Faves from Brooklyn
- Jelly Kelly (from Monogold)
- Shadow Monster
NEW discoveries, who we are looking forward to experiencing live:
- Beverly Kills, Sweden
- Courier Sud, France
- Donna Blue, XXX
- Hot Garbage, Canada
- Jay Wood, Australia
- Siv Jakobsen, Sweden
- Tallies, Canada
- Water From Your Eyes, USA
- Willy Mason, USA
Listen to the very enjoyable playlist of The New Colossus participating bands and also have a look at the excellent CONFERENCE part happening on Thursday, March 12 at Pianos.