The Greeting Committee - How It Goes

The Greeting Committee - How It Goes

Among my top favorite songs of 2024 is “popmoneyhits” by The Greeting Committee. Today, the Kansas City-based band announced their third studio album. With a title like Everyone’s Gone and I Know I’m The Cause, a myriad of thoughts pop up about what might have happened here. Luckily, lead singer Addie Sartino isn’t shy to talk about it and offers:

“I was 15 when the band started and I feel like I’ve lived several different lives since we started. Your brain fully develops at 25 and I feel like I woke up with the realization that there were things that weren’t good for me. I’m still grieving it all and processing everything that has happened in the last year and a half.”

I’m very much looking forward to listening to the album and am happily streaming the new single “How it Goes” for the time being. The track features Addie’s alluring signature vocals and some guitarwork reminiscent of New York’s The Strokes, which put them on the map. Well, The Greeting Committee is on its way there, too!

Listen to “How It Goes,” our Song Pick of the Day and check out the video too:

Connect with The Greeting Committee and add “How It Goes” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube:

Photo Credit: Tyler Krippaehne