The Eiffels - Beautiful Life

The Eiffels - Beautiful Life

I’m still buzzing with awe, wonder, and excitement, watching the moon eclipsing the sun. For once, the weather cooperated, and there were no clouds, so we New Yorkers could witness the cosmic spectacle in its full glory. Truth be told, the eclipse wasn’t a total one, but hey, 90% are pretty close, and it got pretty dark and cold when the sun was blocked by the moon. Celebrating life as it happens, we enjoyed a glass of bubbly to the tune of “Beautiful Life,” the new single by  The Eiffels. The track is as catchy and -pun intended- as beautiful as we know the SoCal indie dance rockers’ sound. I can’t help it; I am a longtime fan, and happily so. The song starts with “It feels like 2 drinks in, after landing in New York,” and here’s to seeing The Eiffels perform live in my city soon, please!

Listen to “Beautiful Life,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with The Eiffels and add “Beautiful Life” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: