Tessa Rose Jackson - Stick In The Mud

Tessa Rose Jackson - Stick In The Mud
Photo Credit: Bibian Bingen

"Stick In The Mud" by Tessa Rose Jackson sounds familiar and fresh simultaneously, thanks to its classic cinematic feel paired with gritty guitars and Tessa's soothing vocals. It's a song that wraps you in a warm, sonic blanket but shakes you every now and then to ensure you're not dosing off because it just feels so good!

About the recording, Tessa says:

“How often do you get to record a classic Hollywood string ensemble for an indie song? Not often, I’ll tell you! The song has an almost tongue-in-cheek melodrama to it, so we thought: let’s push it all the way. We combined two worlds that, in our minds, epitomise the word drama: the sweeping romantic strings of old Hollywood movies with the grungy chug of Elliott Smith band tracks."

The track was co-written with Milo of the Dutch trio The Shells, and Tessa reveals further:

"It's a sultry, no-bullshit love song for a friend in the throes of heartbreak. Forget me not, your stick-in-the-mud / Might be old news, but I know you."

Listen to "Stick In The Mud," our Song Pick of the Day:

Stick In The Mud, by Tessa Rose Jackson
from the album A Mirror Sometimes

Connect with Tessa Rose Jackson and add "Stick In The Mud" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube. Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on Spotify or Apple Music.