Tara Nome Doyle - Caterpillar [Video]

Tara Nome Doyle - Caterpillar [Video]

Værmin” is a sweeping, beautiful album about a complex love story. While you probably don’t want to come too close to any of the animals the songs are named after, the bright, intricate soundscapes that Berlin-based artist Tara Nome Doyle creates, are something to indulge. “Værmin” is out tomorrow, and Tara has just released a gripping video for the last single, “Caterpillar.”

Watch Tara as an eerie spirit who seduces others into complacency in the video directed by Oliver Mohr:

Listen to our Song Pick of the Day, “Caterpillar” below:

Connect with Tara Name Doyle.
Pre-Save “Værmin,” out tomorrow.