Tadhg Daly - How’s your day been?

Tadhg Daly - How’s your day been?

Irish singer/songwriter Tadhg Daly asks the open-ended question, “How’s your day been?” wrapped in a beautiful song. The track delights with its irresistible flow and letts Tadgh’s alluring vocals shine.  Asked about the background to the song, the now Londoner says:

“How’s your day been?” Is the first track from an EP that documents the journey of 2 emotionally broken and unavailable people falling in love. It’s a song for anyone that feels like they might be catching feelings for their ‘situationship’ but are too scared to admit it. It’s for anyone that is craving a more meaningful conversation than a token “how’s your day been?” before getting into someone’s bed.”

Listen to “How’s your day been?” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tadhg Daly and add “How’s your day been?” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: