Tacono Gate - Goner

Tacono Gate - Goner

“Goner” by Brooklyn-based synth-pop artist Tacono Gate demands your attention instantly but in a very good and charming way. Looking at Tacono Gate’s press shot, his influences become apparent -at least to those of us who include Kraftwerk and the likes of our fav bands. Tacono Gate names the German 70s/80s legends as one of his influences together with the New Wave movement as a whole. Asked about “Goner” he says:

There’s an obvious darkwave influence. But I was also inspired by the big synth sounds and some of the wilder emancipatory energy of Queen a la ‘Radio Ga Ga,’ ‘I Want to Break Free,’ etc. and an Argentinian new-wave band called Virus.

He explains further:

It’s definitely heavy on the ‘80s, but I think I made something new. I never want it to be derivative even when I’m wearing my influences on my sleeve.

We agree! The nods to our fav music decades are definitely there, but also something beautifully fresh and irresistible. Listen to “Goner,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tacono Gate and add “Goner” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: