SXSW 2018: Q&A with GIRL SKIN

Welcoming GIRL SKIN to the Official glamglare SXSW Showcase feels like going full circle, because I remember vividly when I first listened to GIRL SKIN’s songs on SoundCloud, being completely enthralled, and consequently trying to book them for an upcoming glamglare show. Literally in the air, Sid confirmed his participation for our March 31st show, and I was thrilled that this had happened on my way to the music festival.
Fast forward, plus some fantastic GIRL SKIN live shows later, everybody who is attending SXSW this year will have the chance to experience this mesmerizing Brooklyn-based collective, led by singer/songwriter Sid Simons, live. Performing with Sid will Bailey Blu (drums/piano/vocals), Sophie Cozine (vocals), Woody (bass/banjo), Ruby Wang (violin) and Henri Roque (guitar). Knowing the venue, it will be a special treat to see the six band members making the best usage of the stage at The Iron Bear, bringing their music to life.
Start listening to “You’re A Freak” to set the mood, and find out a little more about GIRL SKIN when Sid answers our questions:
Q: If you were driving to Austin Texas, which would be 3 songs you must have on your playlist?
1- Small Faces – Tin Soldier
2- Small Faces- Get Yourself Together
3- Small Faces- Talk To You
I’m a little into the Small Faces right now.
Q: When listening to the radio which song would you definitely sing along with?
The Small Faces- Itchycoo Park.
Q: You lived in Shanghai, China when you were a teenager. Anything you loved there you wish we would have in the States as well?
Well there’s pretty much no drinking age there, so at the time it was glorious but now that I’m 21 it doesn’t apply.
Q: Will you play a song at your SXSW show, that you have never played to an audience before?
Yes probably about 4 of them are completely new, so be ready.
Q: Which of your songs do you especially enjoy performing live?
We’ve got a new one called If I Said a Word. It’s big one.
Q: Have you checked out the long list of already announced artists? Anyboy you really, really want to see live? Or any party you don’t want to miss?
I heard Katy Perry is playing. Which is great because I’ve been meaning to talk to her about doing an album together.
Q: Do you have time for a non-music related hobby?
I’ve always had other hobbies. But right now all I’m doing is music.
Q: Are you a night owl?
I’m really not, I love mornings too much. Which is kind of ironic because I’m working in a bar right now.
Q: If you could choose to live in a decade (music, style, etc.) which one would it be?
I would live right now. We’re living in the best decade for music and fashion, etc.
Thanks so much, Sid for taking the time for our Q&A. Now, I find myself listening to the Small Faces too, remembering “Lazy Afternoon” being blasted everywhere in the late 60s and early 70s, and am getting even more excited for next week, Wednesday. If that is even possible!
See GIRL SKIN live on March 14th, at The Iron Bear in Austin, TX at 11:00 pm.
Add GIRL SKIN to your favs.
To get an idea what GIRL SKIN sound live when doing an acoustic show, watch this super cool cover of a Ramones’ classic.
Stream GIRL SKIN on SoundCloud…
…and on Spotify:
Photo credit: Andy Deluca