SXSW 2018: Q&A with Blonde Maze

2017 saw New York-based electro-pop artist Blonde Maze, perform in venues as diverse as Music Hall of Williamsburg, Knitting Factory or The Delancey. As long time fans of Blonde Maze, aka Amanda Steckler, we were also delighted to feature her at some of our New York shows, and are thrilled to welcome Blonde Maze to our Official SXSW Showcase lineup!
Blonde Maze has some serious pop gems in her repertoire, that will put extra sparkles to the party and joy to those in attendance. To get into the groove of things, listen to “Antarctica”…
… and then read on to learn a bit more about the truly lovely, and fun artist:
Q: You are flying to Austin from New York and we also know you have been to London a few times to perform there and wonder: What takes your fancy while flying? Music, movies, sleep or…?
Sadly I can’t sleep on a plane, so I watch movies. Either that or binge watch a TV show. Sometimes I’ll work on music, but I find it really difficult with my ears always popping.
Q: Which album or playlist must be on your smart phone when traveling?
I like to keep a bunch of my favorites in a playlist on Spotify:
Q: What is your current favorite song you can not resist singing along to?
Tourist feat. Ardyn – We Stayed Up All Night <– a total earworm
Q: It will be your first time in Austin, TX – What are you looking forward to aside from the festival?
I don’t think I’ve been anywhere like Texas, and I’ve heard so many good things about Austin – I’d love to just walk up and down streets and see what it’s about. I also have a few friends that live in Austin that I’d love to catch up with.
Q: Will you play a song at the glamglare showcase, that you have never played to an audience before?
Yeah, I’ll be opening with a new track actually.
Q: As you know, we love your music and live shows. Might there be a surprise for long time fans?
Well, this show is going to be the first time I’ll play the new set I’ve been working on. It’ll probably be as many surprises for me as it will for you all…
Q: Which of the already announced acts for SXSW 2018 do you want to see?
Andrew Applepie, IDER, Billie Ellish, Summer Heart, Sylvan Esso to name some.
Q: What’s your favorite non-music related a hobby?
Tough time deciding between sleeping or watching horror films.
Q: Are you a night owl?
50/50… I go in and out of night owl phases. Sometimes I’ll be up forever and sometimes I’ll be in bed by 11.
Q: If you could choose to live in a decade (music, style, etc.) which one would it be?
The 80s with Depeche Mode and The Cure.
Thank you so much, Amanda. Knowing your music and shows so well, I also know we will be in for a treat no matter what, and more so now, with all the cool surprises you have in tow. This also means, people should come out 10:00 pm sharp to not miss anything! Can. Not. Wait.
See Blonde Maze live on March 14th, at The Iron Bear in Austin, TX at 10:00 pm.
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Listen to Blond Maze on Spotify: