Spencer Barnett - Lost Boy

Spencer Barnett - Lost Boy

End of July is always a bit of a slow time for new music releases, fresh and exciting ones anyway, and so "Lost Boy" by New York-born and raised singer/songwriter Spencer Barnett easily stood out. It's such a beautiful, relaxed track with an infectious feel-good vibe that will still resonate with us when summer is long gone. The development of the track also has quite an inspiring, collaborative story, as Spencer explains:

"This song started as a few lines I jotted down a while ago when I felt like life was constantly moving one step forward and one step back. A few months ago I was in Stockholm working on some music and laid down the main guitar part. My friend Frans threw some really great drums on it and finished writing the song. Once I got back home I recorded my vocals and added a few new parts to finish the song. Lost Boy from the start just felt good – it felt like something you want to walk down the street to, dance to, something to celebrate. And so the lyrics shifted in meaning from a fear to a point of excitement and confidence for me. I’m so so glad that it’s finally out in the world."

Listen to "Lost Boy," our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Spencer Barnett and add "Lost Boy" to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and YouTube: