Sophia DeLeo - Drama Queen

Sophia DeLeo - Drama Queen

New York-based indie-folk singer/songwriter  Sophia DeLeo just released her sophomore EP Drama Queen, of which we feature the title track today. Closing the album as track number five, “Drama Queen” summarizes the record’s overall theme beautifully. While we highly suggest you listen to Drama Queen in its entirety, should you have only time for one song, then make it “Drama Queen.”

Seven years older now than her 17-years old younger self, Sophia has been reflecting on her teenage years and what has happened since. The result is a very personal and intimate album with fascinating and well-crafted lyrics that tell stories you don’t hear every day. Add Sophia’s versatile and absolutely gorgeous vocals and her special touch, the banjo, and the result is one fantastic sophomore EP!

Asked about her EP Drama Queen, Sophia explains:

“It was always my dream as a teenager to have people listen to my original music, but I don’t think I ever really thought it would happen. I just didn’t think anyone would care. So, everything I’ve done in my music career, but especially this project, has been an effort to prove that insecure 17-year-old girl wrong. I like to think she’d be proud of me. God knows I’m proud of her for making it through those difficult years so I could become the artist I am today.”

Listen to “Drama Queen,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Sophia DeLeo and add “Drama Queen” to your playlist as we add it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: