Anna Azarov Photography

The story behind “Closure” is inspired by personal experiences, Jacque Ryal told us. She is the singer and keyboardist of New York-based electronic, alternative synth-duo RYAL, while collaborating partner Aaron Nevezie is its producer.

Songwriting usually comes from a personal place and the story a song tells stands for itself. In the case of “Closure” though, what has happened that led to creating the track is interesting too and worth to be told. Add that we know Jacque and her musical project for a few years and had RYAL headline our very first showcase, we are truly excited to premiere their gorgeous new single “Closure”.

Intriguing from the first beats, the track becomes irresistible once the chorus sets in, and Jacque’s vocals are given room to fully swoon. Jacque says about “Closure”:

“I had to get out of my own head during my recovery, so listening to my friends talk about their dating experiences in the midst of it all was a much-needed distraction for my brain. The ups and downs and intensity of finding love, facing oneself during this time is not for the faint of heart. When Aaron sent the framework of the track, the chorus wrote itself”.

One of the many mounting struggles in this insanely trying time. How to date, how to even fall in love, but wait… “my recovery“?! – We did not expect that and wanted to know more. After all, we love RYAL’s music but we also love Jacque as a person and so far we did not personally know anybody physically affected by COVID-19. We asked Jacque if she would be willing to explain the background and context of “Closure” a bit further. Here is what she responded to us:

“I was so sick when we wrote this track….I can’t even tell you. I was doing anything I could do to keep my mind off of how bad I felt. This track gave my mind another place to roam. I was so scared I was going to end up at the Javits hospital. I had two best friends telling me their crazy dating during COVID stories and so that is what inspired the song. The resurgence of the past loves rearing their desperate heads leading each other on, purely out of fear and loneliness generated only by a year like this.

That is one of the traits that mark a true artist. Going through a horrific phase, and not only coming out of it but creating something, not just ‘something’ but something amazing.

In the case of RYAL, recording a series of new songs, all to be released in the upcoming months. “Closure” is the first taste of their new music and sounds at its core very New York, which means it impresses and delights with an alluring complexity. “Closure” starts out wistfully and with brooding undertones yet when the chorus sets in, you can feel the sun breaking through the clouds, prickling on your skin and bathing everything around you in a golden, sparkly light.

Coming to terms with the prospect of “cool it’s a summer love,” is taking things one step at a time, like healing, and is dancing to the tune of a little carefreeness.

Listen to “Closure”, our Song Pick of the Day premiere:

Connect with RYAL on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Closure” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Also available on these platforms.

Photo credit: Anna Azarov