If London-based duo YUN SEN continues to release tracks like “One Day”, they will not be able to keep their band persona somewhat mysterious, referring to themselves as “J-hama, song rider & Wako, cooking beats” without any other info. Their brand new single “One Day” draws the listener in from beat one and doesn’t let go, hypnotizing in its flow, spiraling down… not the rabbit hole but somewhere, looking for something. There are marching drums beats that lend the track an at times slightly uncomfortable vibe with some hidden suspense, contrasting with soulfully versatile vocals. Towards the later parts of the track, a trumpet chimes in, providing us with a re-assuring, optimistic touch, especially when J-hama croons “You give me something I can hold on to – one day.” This is song perfection! Listen to “One Day”, our Song Pick of the Day:
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