SONG PICK: Youth Sector - Tonight

“Tonight”, the new single from Brighton art rockers Youth Sector shows the five-piece from a slightly darker side yet with an infectious exuberance that is impossible to escape. Is it the percussion or the synths parts that render the song pleasantly familiar? Yes, “Tonight” definitely sport some Tubeway Army feel and it is refreshing to hear that cool music never gets out of style!
When asked about “Tonight”, frontman Nick Tompkins offers:
“This song aims to shed a light on the contagious quality of apathy in society, and how we favour small distractions in order to avoid confronting some of our toughest challenges. We’re seeing this constantly in the way the world deals with the climate crisis, where it only seems to be an urgent issue to those willing to make sacrifices while others are happy living in denial”.
Deep thoughts wrapped into great song that should find its way into your ears and onto every popular playlist. Listen to “Tonight”, our Song Pick of the Day:
Connect with Youth Sector on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and add “Tonight” to your playlist: