SONG PICK: Virginia to Vegas - flyby. ft. Mokita

SONG PICK: Virginia to Vegas - flyby. ft. Mokita

Toronto-based singer, songwriter, and producer Virginia to Vegas just released his gorgeous six-track EP “don’t wake me, i’m dreaming“, of which we chose “flyby.” ft. Mokita, as our glamglarepick. We love the track for its super sweet and catchy feel, yet serious and relatable lyrics. Derik John Baker, the artist behind Virginia to Vegas, says about the single:

“‘flyby’ featuring Mokita is a song that means something different to both of us, so I’m sure it will have its own meaning to you. But for me, it’s the feeling of not appreciating someone special in your life until it’s too late.”

In a way, this sums up a year that flew by in a flurry of blurry days but I can take “flyby.” also more at its core value, being left with the feeling of not having told a very special person how much they meant and the feeling of loss lingers forever.

Virginia to Vegas’ EP holds more of this irresistible, intelligent, and utterly beautiful electro-pop. Baker reveals about the album:

“I had a lot of time to spend at home and on Zoom with my friends, and there was a nostalgic feeling to being in quarantine. Time kind of stretched and sped by with almost a dream-like quality to it, and I wanted to create a body of work to capture that.”

Listen to “flyby.,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Virginia to Vegas on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “flyby.” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo credit: Justin Alexis, That Good Graphic