SONG PICK: Venus Demilo - Bite My Tongue

A song that starts with “I don’t know why I said what I said // but I meant it I meant what I said, yeah” has my instant empathy and attention, wanting to know how the story continues: “Bite My Tongue” is the latest single by U.K. quartet Venus Demilo, demonstrating once more their superb songwriting skills. “Bite My Tongue” has a beautiful, upbeat flow to it, with alluring guitar hooks, stunning vocals and a laid-back vibe. Lead singer Tom Anderson provides the following about the track: “We’ve all been a little bit too honest after a few drinks and obsessed about it the next day. We like to write songs about real life situations that dig a bit deeper into what makes people tick”. Well done, mission accomplished with the stellar “Bite My Tongue”, our Song Pick of the Day: