SONG PICK: Tired Cossack - Machina

SONG PICK: Tired Cossack - Machina

They say that something you loved as a young person, will stay with you forever. I am helpless when it comes to new music, taking from 80s ingredients and “Machina” is the perfect example for this irresistible allure. The newest single by Winnipeg, Canada musician Tired Cossack presses all the right nostalgia buttons, including the pulsating drums, swirling guitars, and gorgeous baritone vocals.

We don’t know much more about “Machina” or the artist behind it but we know that Tired Cossack has full-length album coming out. Hocus Pocus drops on December 3rd and each song on the album will carry a strong sense of folklore and superstition, originating from the artist’s Ukrainian heritage, hence the artist name, I guess.

Listen to “Machina,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Tired Cossack on Instagram and add “Machina” to your playlist as we are adding it to our #glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic:

Photo credit: Scott Kereliuk