SONG PICK: The Record Summer - White Dress (Video)

SONG PICK: The Record Summer - White Dress (Video)

With his critically-acclaimed six-song EP “Race to the Bottom,” The Record Summer can count on a devoted fanbase. While this release lies firmly ten years in the past, The Record Summer aka Bret Rodysill is gearing up for his first full-length album, out March 5th.  Titled “Lay it Bare”, the album saw two single cuts so far, the mellow and slightly melancholic “Release” and the more joyous “White Dress”. The latter also comes with a clever video, a bit hypnotic even. With its sparkling synth-vibe, “White Dress” is a song that makes me happy. It is bright and upbeat, a little bit nostalgic yet at the same time also optimistic for the future.

Life got in the way for Bret Rodysill, preventing him from releasing a new album sooner. During the past ten years, he could accumulate a lot of material to write songs about while enduring and surviving a rare, intense, nervous system disorder, mental illness, and hospitalization. With the songs on “Lay it Bare,” the British artist reflects his gratitude to be alive and how he dealt with all the pain in his life.

When asked about his new single, Rodsyall says:

“White Dress” is about the institution of marriage and its trials and pleasures. “White Dress” juxtaposes the purity and serenity of one’s wedding day with all the little gestures and monotony of the everyday–the monotonous everyday put up next to seeing your bride standing with sunlight in (her) hair. “White Dress” deals with when one compares the novelty and pleasures of marriage to when these things wear down, and what’s left. Overall, the songs are about a very difficult time in my life, and one of the few things that made me feel better was writing them. There was a lot of catharsis involved.

Fortunately, we all make our own experiences and so I didn’t even get any of the somber thoughts in regards to married life. For me, this is an exceptionally blissful track that I don’t get tired of listening to, and can’t wait for the album to drop! Watch the video to “White Dress,” and enjoy our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with The Record Summer on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “White Dress” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify: