SONG PICK: Sunshine Boysclub - Don't See Why (Video)

SONG PICK: Sunshine Boysclub - Don't See Why (Video)

“Don’t See Why,” the new single by Los Angeles-based singer and songwriter Sunshine Boysclub comes with groovy bass lines, lush guitar rhythms, and a crazy catchy chorus. When Sam Martin aka Sunshine Boysclub sings on repeat I don’t see why, we are ready to join his introspective journey. He says:

“Don’t See Why” expresses the difficulties of letting go of other people’s expectations. The idea was inspired by witnessing someone close to me hit bottom. Their situation forced me to take a look at my own mistakes and patterns and the song became a reflection of my own life. Why am I doing the things I do? Why am I concerned with other people’s reactions? It’s impossible to be who everyone wants you to be. Spending too much time chasing other peoples’ idea of what your life should look like can leave you at the end of the wrong road.

“Don’t See Why” also comes with a playful and sweet music video, shot during a road trip through Mexico and directed by Kate Hollowell. Listen to “Don’t See Why,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Sunshine Boysclub on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and add “Don’t See Why” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify:

Photo Credit: Kate Hollowell