SONG PICK: SK & The Kings - Tri

SONG PICK: SK & The Kings - Tri

SK wants all our nothing from a relationship. The U.K. singer/songwriter just wants the best; why else would her backing band be named “The Kings.” “Tri,” latest song by SK & The Kings is an elegant, jazzy piece of lounge pop that invites you to chill, despite being about a breakup situation. SK gives us some background about the song:

“It’s about being in a situation where the person you’re involved with is faced with a choice about what they really want, you or something else. That could be anything; a job, another person, or sometimes even another life.
You know, when you meet someone and there’s nothing bad about it but the timing? Personally, I don’t believe in coincidence, I feel like people come into our lives for a reason. I guess it just depends on whether you’re brave enough to take a chance.”

Connect with SK and the Kings on Facebook Instagram.