SONG PICK: Shady Groves - Backflips (Video)

SONG PICK: Shady Groves - Backflips (Video)

How’s your year been? I think I am not alone in saying that 2021 unfolded yet again differently than planned or hoped for. With my own health and that of my loved ones intact though, I feel there’s plenty to be happy about! “Backflips” from Shady Groves‘ 2021 album seems to be the perfect choice for today, especially when Adam Fitzgerald sings:

“You can spin me around // I’m not glued to the ground // sometimes down is up.”

And concludes his thoughts with:

“Back and forth, knowing it doesn’t matter.”

I love the positive vibe of the lyrics and dig the swirling, hazy vibe of the gorgeous track. The video features dancer Mehdi Arshed and is directed, shot, and edited by Elaine Smith, in Detroit, July 2021.

Check out the video and enjoy “Backflips,” our Song Pick of the Day:

Connect with Shady Groves on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram and add “Backflips” to your playlist as we are adding it to our glamglarepick playlist on Spotify and AppleMusic: