SONG PICK: Sam Blacky - No More

SONG PICK: Sam Blacky - No More
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Bring the heat on! “No More,” the new song by producer and DJ Sam Blacky does not only transport you immediately to a hot summer night dance party but also infuses you with a hefty dose of positivity, something we can all use after the past year. In Sam’s own words:

“‘No More’ is super special to me not only because of the message in the lyrics, but also because this song can empower those who hear it and sing along in an almost cathartic way, saying goodbye to past negativity. It’s all about moving forward and realizing what you’re worth. I definitely feel ‘No More’ being played out in clubs and festivals this summer as a sort of ‘f*ck you’ anthem to anyone or anything that has hurt you.”

Listen to “No More” on your favorite streaming service or below on SoundCloud:

Connect with Sam Blacky on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.