SONG PICK: Notelle - Turnover Rate

Stephanie Middleton aka Notelle is a Nashville-based singer/songwriter who we love here at glamglare. Her gritty brand of pop music does not shy away to peek into the darker sides of life. Notelle’s latest song, “Turnover Rate,” adds some Garbage-vibes with a fuzzy guitar while it is putting a spotlight on destructive behaviors that some people show:
Notelle explains:
“I’ve known people throughout my life that refuse to grow. They’re self-centered, self-serving, and self-destructive. Everyone knows someone like this, so I’m not unique in that – but I’ve known my fair share. Some of them I’ve dated, some of them I’ve stayed away from, but this song is really about watching those people continue their broken cycles of living, you know? Like wash, rinse, repeat their toxicity.”
She adds about her intention:
“It’s not a spiteful track, and it’s not coming from a place of pain. It’s simply an honest description of what this person does, how they do it, and why. This narrator doesn’t want revenge; it’s just a spotlight.”
Listen to our Song Pick of the Day on your favorite streaming service or below on YouTube: